In the scope of its mission, AFH acts at several levels and deals with many partners such as the Ministry of Equipment, Housing and Territorial Planning, the Ministry of Environment and Durable Development, Ministry of State property and Land Affairs and the one of Agriculture and Hydraulic Resources as well as the regional and local authorities and the franchise holders dealing with the sectors of electricity, gas, telephone, cleansing and water supplies. 

It also cooperates closely with the banking sector and particularly the Housing Bank. &nb

Principal stages of project achievement

Site prospecting, identification of the intervention perimeters and the study of their economic and technical feasibility; 

  • The acquisition of the land required for the project; 
  • The realization of the necessary studies preceding the primary and secondary infrastructure works, impact studies, the conception of the allotment plan and the accomplishment of the studies of the various underground network (potable water, gas, electricity, cleansing pipes…);
  • The accomplishment of primary network and infrastructures with regional impact are carried out in partnership with the public administration and public dealers (bridges, purification stations, retaining or storms basins, etc); 
  • As soon as the works (primary and secondary networks) are completed, AFH proceeds to the staking of parcels in agreement with the topography and cartography office; 
  • The completion of the achievement works are carried out once the majority of two thirds of the allotment, the parcel buyers, finish the construction of their houses or buildings.